Saturday, November 30, 2019

TCT TEL Comm TEK Company Commerce Essay Example For Students

TCT TEL Comm TEK Company Commerce Essay First, measuring from point of position of proficient competency ( indicated by past occupation public presentation ) campaigners, all of them had positive evaluations. Wallace rated as proficient and Harrison considered extremely competent and poised to travel into high-level direction. Atasi Das on a regular basis earned first-class evaluations. Jalan Bukit Seng systematically rated positive. Saumitra Chakraborty has successfully increased TCT India s gross revenues. From point of position of adaptiveness ( self-maintenance, satisfactory relationships with host subjects and sensitiveness to host environments ) Harrison, Desai, Seng and Chakraborty are good option for TCT ( TEL-COMM-TEK ) . Harrison has worked in the Asian Regional Office and traveled on a regular basis toured TCT s Southeast Asiatic operations. Desai is presently an helper pull offing manager in the big Asiatic operation and citizen of India. Seng is the pull offing manager of TCT s assembly operation in Malaysia. Chakraborty is the helper to the going pull offing manager in India. Furthermore he has outstanding Indian households and authorities functionaries along with his skillfulness in the ways of the Indian Business environment. Outline1 2. What challenges might each campaigner brush in the place?2 3.How might TCT ( TEL-COMM-TEK ) go about minimising the challenges confronting each campaigner?3 Tom Wallace4 BrettHarrison5 Atasi Das6 Ravi Desai7 Jalan Bukit Seng8 SaumitraChakraborty9 4.Should all campaigners receive the same compensation bundle? If non, what factors should act upon each bundle?10 Wallace11 Harrison12 Hyrax13 Desai14 Seng15 Chakraborty16 Direct Compensation Costss17 Company Paid Costss18 Table 1. Required compansation bundle of campaigners19 5. What recommendations can you offer to assist a company confronting this kind of determination that will enable to equilibrate professional and personal characters?20 6. Returning to stuff covered in Chapter 15, specifically that covering with the thought of a matrix organisation, do you see any benefit to naming two of the persons described here to the station? Operationally, one person would be in charge of internal personal businesss, and the other wo uld pull off external personal businesss. What might be the likely benefits and jobs with this agreement? 2. What challenges might each campaigner brush in the place? We will write a custom essay on TCT TEL Comm TEK Company Commerce specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Wallace s strong points are that he is a knowing 30-year TCT veteran and experienced in the proficient and gross revenues facets of occupation. He supported some supply concatenation enterprises in the U.S. market and presently supervises a U.S.-based operation that is similar size of India s new mill. He has superiors typically rate his public presentation as proficient and involvement in an expatriate place. However Wallace besides has weak points that linguistic communication job and no international working experience. So his major challenge will be the adaptiveness to the unfamiliar and inexperient peculiar environment. Harrison s strong points are that high competence, experience in the Asian Regional Office and good familiarity with geographics, political relations, imposts, and mentalities. But, his weak points are linguistic communication job, teenage kids educational job, and calling of his married woman. His expected challenge will be his personal job sing to his household affair. Das s strong points are first-class calling public presentation, adequate experience between staff and line places and single-status. She speaks Hindi as she was born in Indian-American immigrant household and has several household members and relations in India. Her weak points that are no international experience, deficiency of understanding Indian concern environment, and concerns about rough sexual favoritism. Her chief challenge will come from deficiency of international experience. Desai s strong points are that experience in the larger Asiatic operation, M.B.A. degree from esteemed Indian Institute of Management, and native Indian. On the contrary, his weak points are that immature kids and no working experience in his place state. His challenge will be his personal affairs about his household. .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b , .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .postImageUrl , .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b , .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:hover , .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:visited , .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:active { border:0!important; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:active , .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua5a9a5913cf31c26b474541d581a9d0b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Petrys View Of Victimization In The Street EssaySeng s strong points are that experience worked in either Singapore or Malaysia and willingness to larn other linguistic communications as needed, single-status, and good public presentation with international country. In contrast, his weak points that linguistic communication job and no Indian experience. How to accommodating to different concern environment will be his chief challenge. Chakraborty s strong points are that positive public presentation evaluation, good connexion with outstanding Indian households and authorities functionaries, skillfulness in the ways of the Indian concern environment and fluid linguistic communication accomplishments including local linguistic communications and single-status. However, Chakraborty lacks direct-line and international experience and his chief challenge will come from it. 3.How might TCT ( TEL-COMM-TEK ) go about minimising the challenges confronting each campaigner? Tom Wallace Give translating service, local helper and health care support BrettHarrison Give more compensation bundle. Atasi Das Give an helper assisting her international matter. Ravi Desai Give more compensation bundle including immature kids instruction surport. Jalan Bukit Seng Give Hindi instruction and local helper. SaumitraChakraborty Give more chance to line and international experience 4.Should all campaigners receive the same compensation bundle? If non, what factors should act upon each bundle? Wallace Harrison Hyrax Desai Seng Chakraborty Direct Compensation Costss Base Salary Foreign-Service N/A Goods A ; Service derived function N/A Housing N/A Tax Derived functions N/A N/A Company Paid Costss Education High High N/A High N/A N/A Indian income revenue enhancements Transportation traveling costs High High Medium Medium Low N/A Assorted costs High High Medium Medium Low N/A Working Spouse allowance None High N/A None N/A N/A Annual place leave High High Medium Medium Medium Low Additional wellness insurance, Pension addendums, emptying coverage High High Low High Low Low Table 1. Required compansation bundle of campaigners The compensation bundle will non be same because each campaigner are in different state of affairs. Wallace and Harrison would be received more compensation as they need to travel to India with their household. In add-on, interlingual rendition service cost, kids education cost and more transportation traveling cost and assorted cost compared to individual campaigners should be included. It is expected that Wallace would lief hold of the publicity, as his current place is supposed to be eliminated in six months. This chance is the best manner he maintains his calling until his retirement, so his foreign service cost will be smaller than others. In Harrison instance, nevertheless, it is more complicated as his married woman has her ain calling. If she wants to maintain her calling, she will decline to relocate and it besides affects Harrison s determination. The more compensation should be included to do his married woman agree to relocate. Although Das has Indian background, she was born in and has lived in the United States. It is required to supply transportation traveling cost. However the sum is lower than campaigners with household. Desai and Seng besides need traveling cost, but the geographic distance is shorter than other campaigners come from the United States. Chakraborty does non necessitate to relocate and he is a individual. Therefore his company paid costs would be the least among the campaigners. 5. What recommendations can you offer to assist a company confronting this kind of determination that will enable to equilibrate professional and personal characters? Given this state of affairs, taking an exile is non simple job. Basically exiles are refering about unaccustomed foreign life and their unsure hereafter after repatriation, such as disadvantage on their publicity and losing competence. However, in this instance the campaigners are expected to advance to the higher degree of place. Therefore their major concern will non be their hereafter position in the company. Rank appliers harmonizing to the standards that the company requires from campaigners. Those campaigners have important strengths and failing. Therefore, it is of import to set up the standards more specifically. For the pull offing manager place, experience in the company, proficient competency including managerial accomplishments, linguistic communication ability and countries of expertness should be considered. Besides it is of import to look into campaigner s adaptiveness because working in different environment is wholly different affair. Then see his/her compensation bundle, efficiency compared to costs, and the capableness that the company could afford to the directors, such as orientation plans, and developing chances to heighten their ability. 6. Returning to stuff covered in Chapter 15, specifically that covering with the thought of a matrix organisation, do you see any benefit to naming two of the persons described here to the station? Operationally, one person would be in charge of internal personal businesss, and the other would pull off external personal businesss. What might be the likely benefits and jobs with this agreement? Some MNEs pursue schemes that try at the same time to cover with viing force per unit areas for planetary integrating and local reactivity. As the campaigners have important pros and cons and those are supplemented, using matrix construction could be a good solution. The key is the function of Chakraborty. He is merely candidate to the full understanding curious Indian environment. He is besides able to talk three linguistic communications including Hindi and the local linguistic communication of Bengaluru. Although Das is besides a strong campaigner from this point, established human relation and good public presentation is his privilege plus. However, he lacks of direct-line experience as he has kept the helper place since he joined the company. Although he is about well-known individual, he does non hold international on the job experience. Therefore he could be non suited for one end of the company, planetary integrating. The other campaigners worked abroad deficiency of Indian local environment. Even though Harrison is good acquainted with imposts and many exiles, making concern straight is wholly different. So naming two persons to pull off internal personal businesss and external personal businesss individually is heightening each person s strengths and addendum of those failings.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Industrial Accident Bhopal Gas Tragedy

Industrial Accident Bhopal Gas Tragedy Background Bhopal gas tragedy is an industrial accident happened in India in December of 1984. The significant release of such a hazardous gas as methyl isocyanate at the Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL) plant in Bhopal led to deaths of about 3,000 people during the first week after the accident.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Industrial Accident: Bhopal Gas Tragedy specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The water entered the tank with the chemicals, and the chemical reaction led to the release of toxic gases. The amounts of released gases caused the environmental disaster and affected the health of thousands of people. The Main Causes of Bhopal Gas Tragedy Discussing the key causes of Bhopal gas tragedy, it is possible to focus on two theories. The proponents of the first theory support the idea that the main causes of the disaster are directly associated with the weaknesses in governance at the plant. The lack of investment, focus on undertrained employees, bad equipment, bad maintenance associated with storing hazardous chemicals in inappropriate tanks, and poor safety systems caused the risky situation.  The supporters of the other theory state that the main cause of the accident is the sabotage associated with employees’ actions. In this case, the problem of governance is also important because the inappropriate management could lead to creating the dangerous situation at the plant. Furthermore, the safety system was not developed and supported by the government to address the possible risky situation. From this point, both the Union Carbide Corporation (UCC) and the Government of India were responsible for the accident. The Impact and Magnitude of the Industrial Accident The industrial accident associated with the release of toxic gases led to the deaths of about 8,000 people during the first two weeks after the accident. Having analyzed the details of the accident, it is possi ble to state that the lack of the effective safety measures led to the disaster causing the environmental, social, and economic catastrophe. About 500,000 people were injured because released chemicals caused blindness, asthma, the central nervous system’s problems, anemia, and diseases in children as a result of the air, water, and soil pollution. The foods grown at the territories round the plant were inappropriate for eating. Thousands of people had to migrate from the polluted lands.Advertising Looking for case study on ecology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Evaluation of Response Measures The UCC’s immediate response to the disaster was effective from the point of minimization of the possible gas leaks and safety precautions, but response measures associated with the aspect of morality and responsibility were ineffective because the UCC rejected their responsibility for the accident. However, the responsibility was admitted by the UCC later, and the corporation focused on providing required settlements.  In this case, the Indian government’s actions were rather effective to gain the compensation, because the government reacted to the disaster while enacting the Bhopal Gas Leak Disaster Act in 1985. As a result, the Indian government could represent the interests of the victims outside India. Furthermore, the actions of the Indian government allowed receiving significant settlement funds. The other responses include the development of the health care system in India. Recommendations to Minimize Effects In order to minimize the negative effects of similar accidents, it is necessary to focus on the improvement of risk management in organizations. It is necessary to classify all possible risks according to their severity, probability, and outcomes and develop the plan of actions depending on the character of the risk. The first step is the development of the effective risk management plan. The second step is the development of the effective modern safety system to avoid the risk of sabotage and any other accidents. It is important to avoid locating hazardous works at highly populated territories. The management systems in organizations and healthcare systems should be improved according to the local policies and national surveillance programs. Organizations and authorities should focus on educating people about the risks of chemicals and about health and environmental threats.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Battle of Puebla and Cinco de Mayo

Battle of Puebla and Cinco de Mayo The Battle of Puebla was fought May 5, 1862 and occurred during the French intervention in Mexico. Landing a small army in Mexico in early 1862 under the pretense of forcing the repayment of Mexican debts, France soon moved to conquer the country. As the United States was occupied with its own Civil War and could not intervene, the government of Napoleon III saw an opportunity to install a friendly regime while gaining access to Mexicos natural resources. Advancing from Veracruz, French forces drove inland before engaging the Mexicans outside of Puebla. Though outnumbered and outclassed, the Mexicans successfully repulsed the French assaults on the city and forced them to retreat. Despite the fact that French forces succeeded in taking control of the country a year later, the date of the victory at Puebla inspired the holiday that has evolved into Cinco de Mayo. Background In the summer of 1861, President Benito Jurez announced that Mexico would suspend repayment of loans to Britain, France, and Spain for two years as he worked to stabilize his nations finances. These loans had primarily been taken to finance operations during the Mexican-American War and the Reform War. Unwilling to accept this suspension, the three European nations concluded the Convention of London in late 1861 and formed an alliance to deal with the Mexicans. In December 1861, British, French, and Spanish fleets arrived off Mexico. While a blatant violation of the U.S. Monroe Doctrine, the United States was powerless to intervene as it was embroiled in its own Civil War. On December 17, Spanish forces captured the fortress of San Juan de Ulà ºa and the city of Veracruz. The following month, 6,000 Spanish, 3,000 French, and 700 British soldiers came ashore. French Intentions On February 19, 1862, Mexican Foreign Minister Manuel Doblado met with British and Spanish representatives near La Soledad. Here the two European nations agreed not to advance further while debt negotiations were in progress. As talks progressed, the French captured the port of Campeche on February 27. A few days later, on March 5, a a French army under the command of Major General Charles Ferdinand Latrille, Comte de Lorencez was landed and began operations. As it quickly became evident that French intentions extended far beyond debt repayment, both Britain and Spain elected to depart Mexico, leaving their former ally to proceed on its own. With the United States unable to intervene, French Emperor Napoleon III sought to topple Jurezs government, install a favorable regime, and gain unfettered access to Mexicos resources. Concentrating his army, Lorencez moved forward with an attempt to conquer Mexico. Lorencez Advances Pressing inland to avoid the diseases of the coast, Lorencez occupied Orizaba which prevented the Mexicans from taking possession of key mountain passes near the port of Veracruz. Falling back, the General Ignacio Zaragozas Army of the East took up positions near Acultzingo Pass. On April 28, his men were defeated by Lorencez during a large skirmish and he retreated toward Puebla. On the road to Mexico City, Jurez had ordered fortifications constructed around the city in anticipation of a French offensive. Reporting his victory at Acultzingo, Lorencez stated, We are so superior to the Mexicans in organization, race...and refinement of manners, that I am pleased to announce to His Imperial Majesty, Napoleon III, that from this moment on, as the leader of my 6,000 brave soldiers, I can consider myself the owner of Mexico. Battle of Puebla Conflict: French Intervention in Mexico (1861-1867)Dates: May 5, 1862Armies Commanders:MexicansGeneral Ignacio Zaragozaapprox. 4,500 menFrenchMajor General Charles de Lorencez6,040 menCasualties:Mexico: 87 killed, 131 wounded, 12 missingFrance: 172 killed, 304 wounded, 35 captured Major General Charles de Lorencez. Public Domain The Armies Meet Pushing on, Lorencez, whose troops were among the best in the world, believed he could easily dislodge Zaragoza from the town. This was reinforced by intelligence suggesting that the population was pro-French and would aid in expelling Zaragozas men. Reaching Puebla late on May 3, Zaragoza set his men to improving the citys defenses before placing his forces in an entrenched line between two hills. This line was anchored by two hilltop forts, Loreto and Guadalupe. Arriving on May 5, Lorencez decided, against the advice of his subordinates, to storm the Mexican lines. Opening fire with his artillery, he ordered the first attack forward. The French Beaten Meeting heavy fire from Zaragozas lines and the two forts, this attack was beaten back. Somewhat surprised, Lorencez drew upon his reserves for a second attack and ordered a diversionary strike towards the east side of the city. Supported by artillery fire, the second assault advanced further than the first but was still defeated. One French soldier managed to plant the Tricolor on the wall of Fort Guadalupe but was immediately killed. The diversionary attack fared better and was only repulsed after brutal hand-to-hand fighting. Attack of the Mexican cavarly at the Battle of Puebla, May 5, 1862. Public Domain Having expended the ammunition for his artillery, Lorencez ordered an unsupported third attempt on the heights. Surging forward, the French closed to the Mexican lines but were unable to breakthrough. As they fell back down the hills, Zaragoza ordered his cavalry to attack on both flanks. These strikes were supported by infantry moving into flanking positions. Stunned, Lorencez and his men fell back and assumed a defensive position to await the anticipated Mexican attack. Around 3:00 PM it began to rain and the Mexican attack never materialized. Defeated, Lorencez retreated back to Orizaba. Aftermath A stunning victory for the Mexicans, against one of the best armies in the world, the Battle of Puebla cost Zaragoza 83 killed, 131 wounded, and 12 missing. For Lorencez, the failed assaults cost 462 dead, over 300 wounded, and 8 captured. Reporting his victory to Jurez , the 33-year old Zaragoza stated, The national arms have been covered with glory.† In France, the defeat was seen as a blown to the nations prestige and more troops were immediately sent to Mexico. Reinforced, the French were able to conquer most of the country and install Maximilian of Habsburg as emperor. Despite their eventual defeat, the Mexican victory at Puebla inspired a national day of celebration best known as Cinco de Mayo. In 1867, after French troops left the country, the Mexicans were able to defeat the forces of Emperor Maximilian and fully restore power to the Jurez administration.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ford Motor Company Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ford Motor Company Analysis - Research Paper Example The liquidity ratios calculated for the year 2010 and 2011 are shown in the table above. The calculations are on the excel spreadsheet attached. Liquidity ratios show the firm’s ability to settle short term liabilities out of the liquid cash. The type of liquidity ratios calculated include; current ratio and acid test ratio. The liquidity ratios must equal to 1 or more than 1. If it is 1.00 then it implies the short-term debts are fully settled with the liquid cash. If they are less than 1.00 then it shows that the available cash cannot settle the arising short term liabilities. From the calculations Ford Motor Company has a current ratio of 0.86 in 2010 which improved to 0.96 in 2011. Though there was an improvement in the current ratio, it is still less than one which shows the company’s dilemma in dealing with its short term debts. The available cash is not enough to settle the short term liabilities (Zane, Kane & Marcus, 2004). The acid test ratio as depicted from t he calculations is also worth of discussion. In both years the acid test ratio was less than 1 which might be detrimental to the Ford Motor Firm. Though an improvement was noted from 0.47 to 0.59, the ratio was still below the threshold.Activity ratios depict the degree of effectiveness of a company in using the resources available in a manner that can promote the growth of the company. The activity ratios derived above are total asset turnover. This is an indication that the assets of the company were not utilized.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Analytical Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

Analytical Report - Essay Example Out of the total†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Academic semesters, †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ semesters are reserved for on-the job training in the form of Internship. I was admitted as an Intern in the Logistics firm â€Å" M/s Takhzeen Warehousing and Logistics company †TAKHZEEN† from†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. The aim of my internship service is to familiarize me with the operations, management and impact of this logistics company, on the business of Logistics Service in the Arabian Gulf Region, the role it plays in this business, its management style and potentials for me to be a part of its growth, and thus achieve a career advancement for me. From my academic learning I know of the theoretical concepts underlying the business. I also realize that it is not always possible for a business to conform to typical theoretical models of work. Thus I would like to know how the company has molded its practices to get along with the ground realities. As a Trainee Manger, I am fascinated by the different tools available for upgrading Quality and service aspects of the business. I want to see how far the buzz words of Modern Quality Management, like ERP, TQM, Kaizen and Six Sigma are introduced in the Company, and also how far they have been successful in this Company. An ounce of practice is more valuable than a ton of theory. So I have used my Internship to closely watch the Organizational Setup, Command Chain, Supply Chain, Quality Management and Customer Management, as much as I study my academic specialty subject of Finance in the context of this company. Since I have the long term goal of owning and operating a Logistics company of my own, I would also be observing the company from the entrepreneur’s perspective. I would like to study the origin and growth of the Company over the years and see how best to adopt the lessons from its growth, to start and grow my own company. SECTION 2 1. Company Culture The Takhzeen Warehousing and & Storage Company† TAKHZEEN† was incorporated as a Closed Bahraini Shareholding Company. It has a strategic alliance with Al Muthana Investment Company of Kuwait and Al Khawari group of Saudi Arabia. The authorized Share Capital of the Company is $50 million, and the paid up capital is $10 million. The motivation for setting up of this company was the admiration and belief in the competence of the Saudi Arabian Company’s specialized knowledge and skill in the field of Logistics—cold storage, transport, and all allied aspects of logistics. Takhzeen looked forward to providing Professional and efficient Logistics support to the Private Sector in Bahrain and the Arabian Gulf region, benefiting from the expertise of its partners. For this, the Company expected to set the latest International standards and practices in its operations, with a view to set market standards in the region. Mr. Murad Al Ramadan, Managing Director of Takhzeen, and also Deputy C.E.O. for Investme nt set the short term goal of Takhzeen as identifying and entering the various opportunities in the area for Logistics service and expanding progressively into .the whole of the region. Another goal was to develop and provide training

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Welfare Myths and Realities Essay Example for Free

Welfare Myths and Realities Essay Society has continued to undergo evolution and change throughout the history of civilization. These are the factors that spell out the dividing line between social classes and castes that are redrawn on an almost daily basis by mankind. This is why there will always be a mixture of fact and fiction surrounding the way present day society views those people who were unlucky enough to end up at the bottom of the societal class chain. These are the people who are forced to survive using welfare to keep food on the table, money in their pockets, and clothes on their backs. It is highly unfortunate that the word Welfare has come to mean a person who does not want to work unless he is forced to work. But this is not always what defines a person on welfare. In todays world, the workplace is a highly competitive environment where people no longer have security of tenure in their jobs. People want to work. The problem is, there are not enough jobs to go around. The reality is that when a person loses his job these days, it is highly unlikely that he will be able to get new regular employment anytime in the short-term future. So, he is forced to take what odd jobs he can while trying his luck at landing regular employment. Realistically speaking, temp jobs wont pay the rent nor keep food on the table. In order to stay afloat, the person must take welfare assistance. This is a not a permanent set up for most, it is just financial aid until the person can get back on his feet. Hey, he paid his taxes and his Social Security dues. Therefore, it is only proper that the system helps him get back on his feet. Nobody in his right mind would want to make welfare his way of life. Welfare tends to affect a person both psychologically and emotionally as he struggles to try to go back to the way of life that he has become accustomed to. Even though they try to get off welfare at the soonest possible time, sometimes, he is forced to go back on welfare for one reason or another. The last thing he wants to become is a welfare cyclist but he is left with no other choice. Psychologically, a man unable to support himself is thrown into despair and self-pity. He thinks less of himself and wishes to feel better by being able to support himself without the aid of welfare. The last thing he wants for himself is to get involved in welfare cycling. This is the act of going on welfare for short periods of time during which a person has lost his job. It is totally unfair to say, the federal welfare program encourages people to stay poor. (Margaret L. Andersen Howard F. Taylor, 2003, p. 200) Man is an ambition driven entity. He pursues lofty goals and ambitions in life and does not deem himself a success or a complete individual unless he has something to show for his existence. It can be in the form of finances, or something solid like real estate. Whatever it may be, there is nothing that can drive a man to have a desire to stay poor. The government does not give enough financial support to the welfare organizations for one to believe that those on welfare would be getting enough welfare checks or food coupons to sustain any kind of lifestyle. These benefits are available only to a limited number of families who must pass a stringent interview and verification process. Neither is it true that only Blacks or Hispanic families benefit from welfare. There are also White families who are down on their luck and also move from place to place or even state to state in search of the elusive jobs. The welfare myth about women is proves to be even most unfair. Women are the light that guides a family. While husbands work and bring home what pay then can in the lower middle class society, the women are left at home to tend to the children. Most of them cannot afford child-care and therefore help their husband earn income in order to improve their basic lifestyle. This is why most women collect welfare for their families. If there were proper child-care assistance provided to these families, both parents would have a chance to work instead of having to line up collecting unemployment checks just to make ends meet. Of the 100% of the total federal budget, only 60% of this it spent on assisting poor families. This provides subsidies for the lowest income families basic living and medical assistance. There is absolutely no truth to the belief that certain welfare recipients are paid benefits that they no longer qualify for. Though the system is not foolproof, as some payments errors are done due to human error, there are still safety measures in place to make sure that overpayments are limited and that any fraudulent transactions are weeded out in the process. Going on welfare was never meant to make any man rich. It is not a status symbol that will make you the envy of others either. Often times, the amount of the checks given to the people involved are below the poverty level. It is really meant only to be a stop gap measure for those who have had a stroke of financial bad luck. It was not meant to sustain any person throughout life. The myths that were created by the fear of going on welfare gave the deserving welfare beneficiaries a bad name. It has branded them in such a way that society tends to be judge and jury of the way they conduct their lives and personal businesses. Welfare was meant to be a helping hand when one needs it the most. Welfare was envisioned, developed and meant to help a person get back on his feet after a devastating financial setback. To believe all these myths that have been handed down from generation to generation would be a disservice to such a humane undertaking that is done for and on behalf of your fellowman. Works Cited Andersen, Margaret L. Taylor, Howard R. (2003). Sociology The Essentials (2nd Ed. ) Welfare Myths: Fact or Fiction? Exploring the Truth about Welfare. 1996. December 22, 2006, Retrieved from http://hcom. csumb. edu/welfare/resources/myths_facts. html Irons, Meghan Erica. Dispelling Myths About Welfare. December 21, 2006, Retrieved from http://www. voice. neu. edu/960215/welfare. html

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Orthodox Tradition in Eastern Europe Essay -- Religion Russia 19th

The Orthodox Tradition in Eastern Europe After the 4th century when Constantinople emerged as a great capital and church center, tensions sometimes arose between its leaders and the bishop of Rome. After the fall of Rome to Germanic invaders in 476, the Roman pope was the only guardian of Christian universalism in the West. He began more explicitly to attribute his dominance to Rome’s being the burial place of Saint Peter, whom Jesus had called the â€Å"rock† on which the church was to be built. The Eastern Christians respected that tradition and recognized the Roman patriarch to a measure of honorable authority. But they never believed that this authority allowed the papacy to overrule another church or that it made the pope into a universally reliable figure within the larger church. The Orthodox tradition asserted that the character and rights of the church were fully present in each local community of Orthodox believers with its own bishop. All bishops were equal, and patriarchs or synods of bishops exercised only an â€Å"oversight of care† among the body of coequal bishops. The precedence of honor of individual national churches depended on historical rank. Therefore, the patriarchate of Constantinople understood its own position to be determined entirely by the fact that Constantinople, the â€Å"new Rome,† was the seat of the Roman emperor and the Senate in a world where church boundaries, for administrative reasons, reflected political limits. Apart from the different understandings of the personality of church power, the most significant doctrinal difference between Eastern and Western Christians arose over the exact wording of the Nicene Creed. The Orthodox churches demanded that no words be added to or taken away from the ancient and fundamental statement of the faith, as issued by the councils of Nicaea and Constantinople in the 4th century. During the early Middle Ages the Latin word filioque, meaning â€Å"and from the Son,† was added in the Latin Christian world, thus rendering the creed as â€Å"I believe †¦ in the Holy Spirit †¦ who proceeds from the Father and from the Son.† Charlemagne and his successors promoted the outburst, primarily opposed by the popes, in Europe. Eventually, it was also accepted in Rome in about 1014. Western theologians believed that this teaching preserved the spirit of the original creed. But Orthodox teachers believed that it had n... ...r tsars, Moscow had become the so-called third Rome, direct heir to the imperial and ecclesiastical supremacy of ancient Rome and Constantinople. The patriarchs of Moscow never enjoyed anything like the relative freedom of the Byzantine patriarchs, where church laws regulated the interference of the emperor and were generally respected. In Russia the tsars exercised complete domination over church affairs, except for the brief reign of Patriarch Nikon in the mid-17th century. In 1721 Tsar Peter the Great abolished the patriarchate altogether, and thereafter the church was governed through the imperial administration. The patriarchate was reestablished in 1917, at the time of the Russian Revolution, but soon afterward the Russian church was violently persecuted by the Communist government. As the Soviet regime became less repressive and, in 1991, broke up, the church started to regain its vitality. The Orthodox churches in Eastern Europe also faced persecution by oppressive Commun ist governments after World War II ended in 1945, but they too regained their authority in the 1990s and are slowly reestablishing their place in the moral, religious, and cultural life of their people. The Orthodox Tradition in Eastern Europe Essay -- Religion Russia 19th The Orthodox Tradition in Eastern Europe After the 4th century when Constantinople emerged as a great capital and church center, tensions sometimes arose between its leaders and the bishop of Rome. After the fall of Rome to Germanic invaders in 476, the Roman pope was the only guardian of Christian universalism in the West. He began more explicitly to attribute his dominance to Rome’s being the burial place of Saint Peter, whom Jesus had called the â€Å"rock† on which the church was to be built. The Eastern Christians respected that tradition and recognized the Roman patriarch to a measure of honorable authority. But they never believed that this authority allowed the papacy to overrule another church or that it made the pope into a universally reliable figure within the larger church. The Orthodox tradition asserted that the character and rights of the church were fully present in each local community of Orthodox believers with its own bishop. All bishops were equal, and patriarchs or synods of bishops exercised only an â€Å"oversight of care† among the body of coequal bishops. The precedence of honor of individual national churches depended on historical rank. Therefore, the patriarchate of Constantinople understood its own position to be determined entirely by the fact that Constantinople, the â€Å"new Rome,† was the seat of the Roman emperor and the Senate in a world where church boundaries, for administrative reasons, reflected political limits. Apart from the different understandings of the personality of church power, the most significant doctrinal difference between Eastern and Western Christians arose over the exact wording of the Nicene Creed. The Orthodox churches demanded that no words be added to or taken away from the ancient and fundamental statement of the faith, as issued by the councils of Nicaea and Constantinople in the 4th century. During the early Middle Ages the Latin word filioque, meaning â€Å"and from the Son,† was added in the Latin Christian world, thus rendering the creed as â€Å"I believe †¦ in the Holy Spirit †¦ who proceeds from the Father and from the Son.† Charlemagne and his successors promoted the outburst, primarily opposed by the popes, in Europe. Eventually, it was also accepted in Rome in about 1014. Western theologians believed that this teaching preserved the spirit of the original creed. But Orthodox teachers believed that it had n... ...r tsars, Moscow had become the so-called third Rome, direct heir to the imperial and ecclesiastical supremacy of ancient Rome and Constantinople. The patriarchs of Moscow never enjoyed anything like the relative freedom of the Byzantine patriarchs, where church laws regulated the interference of the emperor and were generally respected. In Russia the tsars exercised complete domination over church affairs, except for the brief reign of Patriarch Nikon in the mid-17th century. In 1721 Tsar Peter the Great abolished the patriarchate altogether, and thereafter the church was governed through the imperial administration. The patriarchate was reestablished in 1917, at the time of the Russian Revolution, but soon afterward the Russian church was violently persecuted by the Communist government. As the Soviet regime became less repressive and, in 1991, broke up, the church started to regain its vitality. The Orthodox churches in Eastern Europe also faced persecution by oppressive Commun ist governments after World War II ended in 1945, but they too regained their authority in the 1990s and are slowly reestablishing their place in the moral, religious, and cultural life of their people.

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner Chapters 7

The house was a big, log cabin?Cstyle affair, tucked into a hol ow in the pines with no sign of any neighbors for miles around. Al the windows were black, as if the place were empty, but the whole frame was trembling from the heavy bass in the basement. Diego went in first, and I tried to move behind him like he was Kevin or Raoul. Hesitant, protecting my space. He found the stairs and charged down with a confident tread. â€Å"Trying to lose me, losers?† he asked. â€Å"Oh, hey, Diego's alive,† I heard Kevin answer with a distinct lack of enthusiasm. â€Å"No thanks to you,† Diego said as I slipped into the dark basement. The only light came from the various TV screens, but it was way more than any of us needed. I hurried back to where Fred had a whole couch to himself, glad that it was right for me to look anxious because there was no way to hide it. I swal owed hard as the revulsion hit, and curled up in my usual spot on the floor behind the couch. Once I was down, Fred's repel ent power seemed to ease up. Or maybe I was just getting used to it. The basement was more than half empty since it was the middle of the night. Al the kids in here had eyes the same as mine – bright, recently fed red. â€Å"Took me a while to clean up your stupid mess,† Diego told Kevin. â€Å"It was almost dawn by the time I got to what was left of the house. Had to sit in a cave fil ed with water al day.† â€Å"Go tattle to Riley. Whatever.† â€Å"I see the little girl made it, too,† said a new voice, and I shuddered because it was Raoul. I felt a little bit of relief that he didn't know my name, but mostly I just felt horrified that he'd noticed me at al . â€Å"Yeah, she fol owed me.† I couldn't see Diego, but I knew he was shrugging. â€Å"Aren't you the savior of the hour?† Raoul said snidely. â€Å"We don't get extra points for being morons.† I wished Diego wouldn't taunt Raoul. I hoped Riley would come back soon. Only Riley could curb Raoul even the littlest bit. But Riley was probably out hunting dregs kids to bring to her. Or doing whatever else he did while he was away. â€Å"Interesting attitude you got, Diego. You think that Riley likes you so much he's gonna care if I kil you. I think you're wrong. But either way, for tonight, he already thinks you're dead.† I could hear the others moving. Some probably to back Raoul up, others just getting out of the way. I hesitated in my hiding spot, knowing I wasn't going to let Diego fight them alone, but worried about blowing our cover if it didn't come to that. I hoped Diego had survived this long because he had some crazy combat skil s. I wasn't going to have much to offer in that department. There were three members of Raoul's gang here, and some others that might help out just to get on his good side. Would Riley get home before they had time to burn us? Diego's voice was calm when he answered. â€Å"You're real y that afraid to take me on alone? Typical.† Raoul snorted. â€Å"Does that ever work? I mean, besides in movies. Why should I take you on alone? I don't care about beating you. I just want to end you.† I rol ed into a crouch, tensed to spring. Raoul kept talking. He liked the sound of his own voice a lot. â€Å"But it's not gonna take al of us to deal with you. These two wil take care of the other evidence of your unfortunate survival. Little what's-her-name.† My body felt icy, frozen solid. I tried to shake it off so I could fight my best. Not that it would have made a difference. And then I felt something else, something total y unexpected – a wave of revulsion so overpowering that I couldn't hold my crouch. I crumpled to the floor, gasping with horror. I was not the only one to react. I heard disgusted snarls and retching sounds from every corner of the basement. A few people retreated to the edges of the room, where I could see them. They strained against the wal, stretching their necks away as if they could escape the horrible feeling. At least one of these was a member of Raoul's gang. I heard Raoul's distinctive growl, and then heard it fade as he took off up the stairs. He wasn't the only one to make a break for it. About half of the vampires in the basement cleared out. I didn't have that choice. I could barely move. And then I realized this had to be because I was so close to Freaky Fred. He was responsible for what was happening. And as horrible as I felt, I was stil able to realize that he'd probably just saved my life. Why? The sensation of disgust faded slowly. As soon as I could, I crept to the edge of the couch and took in the aftermath. Al of Raoul's gang was gone, but Diego was stil there, on the far end of the big room by the TVs. The vampires who remained were slowly relaxing, though everybody looked a little shaken. Most of them were shooting cautious glances in Fred's direction. I peeked at the back of his head, too, though I couldn't see anything. I looked away quickly. Looking at Fred brought back some of the nausea. â€Å"Keep it down.† The deep voice came from Fred. I'd never heard him speak before. Everyone stared and then looked away immediately as the revulsion returned. So Fred just wanted his peace and quiet. Wel, whatever. I was alive because of it. Most likely Raoul would get distracted by some other irritant before dawn and take out his anger on somebody close by. And Riley always came back at the end of the night. He would hear that Diego had been in his cave rather than outside and destroyed by the sun, and Raoul wouldn't have an excuse to attack him or me. At least, that was the best-case scenario. In the meantime, maybe Diego and I could come up with some plan to steer clear of Raoul. Again, I had a fleeting sense that I was missing an obvious solution. Before I could figure it out, my thoughts were interrupted. â€Å"Sorry.† The deep, almost silent mutter could only have come from Fred. It looked like I was the only one close enough to real y hear. Was he talking to me? I looked at him again and felt nothing. I couldn't see his face – he had his back to me stil . He had thick, wavy blond hair. I'd never noticed that before, not with al the days I'd sat hiding in his shadow. Riley wasn't kidding when he'd said that Fred was special. Gross, but real y special. Did Riley have any idea that Fred was so†¦ so powerful? He was able to overwhelm a whole room of us in a second. Though I couldn't see his expression, I had the sense that Fred was waiting for an answer. â€Å"Um, don't apologize,† I breathed almost silently. â€Å"Thank you. â€Å" Fred shrugged. And then I found I couldn't look at him anymore. The hours passed slower than usual as I waited for Raoul to come back. From time to time I tried to look at Fred again – to see past the protection he'd created for himself – but I always found myself repel ed. If I tried too hard, I ended up gagging. Thinking about Fred was a good distraction from thinking about Diego. I tried to pretend I didn't care where he was in the room. I didn't look at him but focused on the sound of his breathing – his distinct rhythm – to keep tabs. He sat on the other side of the room from me, listening to his CDs on a laptop. Or maybe pretending to listen, the way I was pretending to read the books from the damp backpack on my shoulders. I flipped pages at my usual rate, but I didn't take anything in. I was waiting for Raoul. Luckily, Riley came first. Raoul and his cohorts were right behind him, but not as loud and obnoxious as usual. Maybe Fred had taught them a little respect. Probably not, though. More likely Fred had just angered them. I real y hoped Fred never let his guard slip. Riley went to Diego right away; I listened with my back to them, eyes on my book. In my peripheral vision, I saw some of Raoul's idiots wandering, looking for their favorite games or whatever they'd been doing before Fred had driven them out. Kevin was one of them, but he seemed to be looking for something more specific than entertainment. Several times his eyes tried to focus on where I was sitting, but Fred's aura kept him at bay. He gave up after a few minutes, looking a little sick. â€Å"I heard you made it back,† Riley said, sounding genuinely pleased. â€Å"I can always count on you, Diego.† â€Å"No problem,† Diego said in a relaxed voice. â€Å"Unless you count holding my breath al day as a negative.† Riley laughed. â€Å"Don't cut it so close next time. Set a better example for the babies.† Diego just laughed with him. From the corner of my eye, it seemed like Kevin relaxed some. Was he real y that worried about Diego getting him in trouble? Maybe Riley listened to Diego more than I realized. I wondered whether that was why Raoul had gotten crazy before. Was it a good thing if Diego was that in with Riley after al ? Maybe Riley was okay. That relationship didn't compromise what we had, did it? Time didn't pass any faster after the sun was up. It was crowded and unstable in the basement, like every day. If vampires could get hoarse, Riley would have lost his voice entirely from the yel ing. A couple of kids temporarily lost limbs, but nobody got torched. The music warred with the game tracks, and I was glad I didn't get headaches. I tried reading my books, but I ended up just flipping through one after the other, not caring enough to make my eyes focus on the words. I left them in a neat stack by the end of the couch for Fred. I always left my books for him, though I never could tel whether he read them. Couldn't look at him closely enough to see what, exactly, he did with his time. At least Raoul never looked my way. Neither did Kevin or any of the others. My hiding place was as effective as ever. I couldn't see if Diego was smart enough to ignore me, because I was ignoring him so thoroughly. No one could suspect that we were a team, except maybe Fred. Had Fred been paying attention as I prepared to fight alongside Diego? Even if he had, I didn't worry too much about it. If Fred felt any particular il wil toward me, he could have let me die last night. Would have been easy. It got louder as the sun started to go down. We couldn't see the light fading here underground, with al of the windows upstairs covered just in case. But waiting through so many long days gave you a good sense for when one was almost over. Kids started getting antsy, bugging Riley about whether they could go out. â€Å"Kristie, you were out last night,† Riley said, and you could hear the patience wearing thin in his voice. â€Å"Heather, Jim, Logan – go ahead. Warren, your eyes are dark, go along with them. Hey, Sara, I'm not blind – get back here.† The kids he shut down sulked in the corners, some of them waiting for Riley to leave so they could sneak out in spite of his rules. â€Å"Um, Fred, must be about your turn,† Riley said, not looking in our direction. I heard Fred sigh as he got to his feet. Everyone cringed as he moved through the center of the room, even Riley. But unlike the others, Riley smiled a little to himself. He liked his vampire with skil s. I felt naked with Fred gone. Anyone could focus on me now. I held perfectly stil, head down, doing everything in my power not to cal attention to myself. Lucky for me, Riley was in a hurry tonight. He barely paused to glare at the people who were clearly edging for the door, let alone threaten them, as he headed out himself. Normal y he'd give us some variant on the usual speech about keeping a low profile, but not tonight. He seemed preoccupied, anxious. I'd have bet he was going to see her. That made me less excited about catching up with him at dawn. I waited for Kristie and three of her usual companions to head out, and I slipped out in their wake, trying to look like part of the entourage without irritating them. I didn't look at Raoul, I didn't look at Diego. I concentrated on seeming inconsequential – no one to notice. Just some random vampire chick. Once we were out of the house, I split off from Kristie immediately and beat it into the woods. I hoped only Diego would care enough to fol ow my scent. Halfway up the side of the nearest mountain, I made my perch in the top branches of a big spruce that cleared its neighbors by several meters. I had a pretty good view of anyone who might try to track me. Turns out I was being overcautious. Maybe I'd been too cautious al day. Diego was the only one to come looking. I saw him from a distance and backtracked to meet him. â€Å"Long day,† he said, giving me a hug. â€Å"Your plan is hard.† I hugged him back, marveling at how comfortable this was. â€Å"Maybe I'm just being paranoid.† â€Å"Sorry about Raoul. That was close.† I nodded. â€Å"Good thing Fred is so disgusting.† â€Å"I wonder if Riley knows how potent that kid is.† â€Å"Doubt it. I've never seen him do that before, and I spend a lot of time around him.† â€Å"Wel, that's Freaky Fred's business. We have our own secret to tel Riley.† I shuddered. â€Å"Stil not sure that's a good idea.† â€Å"We won't know until we see how Riley reacts.† â€Å"I don't real y like not knowing, as a general rule.† Diego's eyes narrowed speculatively. â€Å"How do you feel about adventure?† â€Å"Depends.† â€Å"Wel, I was thinking about club priorities. You know, about finding out as much as we can.† â€Å"And†¦?†

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Indian and English cultures Essay

A passage to India is mostly concerned with the relationships between Indian and English cultures, and the interaction and conflicts are the most important moments in the book. This is clearly explained when at the beginning of the book when Dr. Aziz rides on his bicycle to Hamidullah’s house and debates whether it is possible to be friends with an Englishman. Major Callendar, the Civil Surgeon at Chandrapore, and Aziz’s superior calls him away as he is visiting Hamidullah and then disappears before he gets their not even leaving a explanatory note. Establishing that the English are snobby and care nothing about Indians. For Major Callendar Called Aziz right in the middle of dinner and was not even there when he arrived, insinuating that the meeting between the two must have not been that important and could have waited. Adding insult in injury the women at Callendar’s house take his Tonga (a horse-drawn carriage) without even asking. you can assume from the events at the beginning that the English think of Indians as a lesser race and that they should be subservient to them. One of the major moments in the book is when Dr. Aziz meets for the first time Mrs. Moore which is the mother to the Indian Magistrate – Ronny Heaslop. Dr. Aziz thinking that most English, especially Englishwomen are snobby and insensitive to Indians, asks Mrs. Moore to take off her shoes with not even looking at her feet; thinking probably to himself (no Englishwomen would have the common decency or respect for the Indian culture to take off her shoes in the Mosque). After the initial chastising Aziz and Mrs. Moore begin to form a friendship. Aziz finding out that she is both kind and sympathetic After there time at the Mosque Aziz escorts Mrs. Moore to the near all-white Chandrapore Club which is where Mrs. Moore had initially wondered off from. At the Club there is a showing of Cousin Kate, which is the most thoroughly English play in existence, conveying the desire of the English to recreate England in India rather than adapt to their foreign environment. Mrs. Moore ignores the play totally and continues on to the billiard room where she meets up with Adela Quested her traveling companion and most likely will marry Ronny. For the most part Indians view the English with anger and cynicism but it is with the newcomers (Mrs. Moore and Adela Quested) that Aziz sees that they have a desire to see the real India, and are willing to look far beyond the narrow minded view of the other English people. After Adela sees how unconcerned Ronny is with the plight of the Indians she decides not to marry him. As they go for a car ride with Nawab Bahadur, which is the leading loyalist in Chandrapore, an slight accident occurs when they hit a animal and crash. They both get out and look for the injured animal but to no avail, showing Adela his kindness, Adela tells Ronny to forget what she had said and that she will marry him. In town, the Nawab Bahadur tells a group of Indians about his distress; he fears evil spirits, for when he fist bought the car, he ran over and killed a man. Dr. Aziz tells the Nawab Bahadur’s grandson that the younger generation must reject such superstitions. This is showing that what all the English have brought to India is not bad for an elite have been educated and understand how the world works better than they have ever before.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Hand Hygiene Essay Sample Essays

Hand Hygiene Essay Sample Essays Hand Hygiene Essay Sample Essay Hand Hygiene Essay Sample Essay Hand Hygiene as Part of Health Care We are surrounded by pathogens. Preventing the spread of disease causing microorganism in health care facilities is crucial. You have to protect yourself, staff and your patients by washing your hands frequently. The article hand hygiene: It does make a difference, written by Maryellen Guinan and Maryanne McGuckin, discusses the importance of handwashing and the steps of properly washing your hands. Handwashing is a skill that is especially important in health care facilities. Some examples of when hand washing should be used is whenever coming into contact with patients, after contact with intact skin, before donning sterile gloves to insert a central intravascular tube, or any other situation that exposes you to body secretions. The proper way to wash your hands is to first wet your hands to allow for better distribution of the soap. It is important to use warm water and lather the soap for a minimum of 20 seconds, make sure to use friction and wash your hands horoughly. A much quicker alternative to washing your hands is to use antibacterial sanitizers. When using alcohol-based hand rubs apply them to the palm of your hand and keep rubbing until your hand becomes dry. Wash your hands or using sanitizers whenever possible will help keep the health care worker and residents safe from illness This article emphasizes the importance of keeping your hands sanitized. The main concern as a healthcare worker is to keep patients safe and provide them with he best care they could possibly receive. Taking 20 seconds to thoroughly wash your hands you are not only protecting yourself but you keeping everyone you come into contact with safe. Antibacterial sanitizers are a great alternative to washing your hands when you may not have the adequate time to thoroughly wash your hands. Keeping your hands clean can make a big difference and can lead to a healthy and safer environment. :

Monday, November 4, 2019

Texas A M Acceptance Rate and Admissions Requirements

In many ways, Texas A&M is the consummate big college. It has over 50,000 undergrads, a city setting, and a campus that spans 5,200 acres. It offers quality academic and athletic programs, along with all the resources one would expect from such a large institution. For students looking for a true big college experience, Texas A&M has a lot to offer. Founded in 1876, Texas A&M was originally the Agriculture and Mechanical College of Texas. Today, it is just Texas A&M and offers 16 colleges and schools, 5,000 faculty, and 130 undergraduate degree programs. In addition to its home base in College Station, Texas, Texas A&M also offers a maritime branch in Galveston, Texas, an engineering branch in Doha, Qatar, and program centers in Mexico and Costa Rica. Texas A&M ranks in the top 100 public universities and ranks first among public universities for the number of students studying abroad. In addition, it has recently landed among the top five in the US News and World Reports categories of â€Å"best value†, â€Å"most affordable†, â€Å"best outcomes for low-income students†, and â€Å"student engagement†. If you’re interested in taking advantage of all that Texas A&M has to offer, don’t miss this post. Texas A&M accepts the Coalition Application or ApplyTexas . Official SAT or ACT score reports are required, as is an essay . You’ll also need to submit the standard application components of a high school transcript and an application fee or fee waiver. Teacher recommendations are optional, but if submitted, only the first two submitted will be considered. Texas A&M does not offer admissions interviews. Texas A&M opens admissions season early, with the office accepting applications beginning July 1st. The deadline for regular admissions applications is December 1st. Engineering majors can apply through the Early Action program, which has an October 15 deadline. Note that if a deadline falls on a weekend, the application will remain open until 11:59 PM  (CST) on the following Monday. This does not apply to the Early Action Deadline for engineering. Additional required documents will be accepted until 5:00pm (CST) on that Monday. In recent years, the acceptance rate at Texas A&M has pretty consistently been around 65-70% . This might seem like a fairly easy school to get into just based on that, but in reality, it’s a little more complex than that. Remember, Texas A&M is a huge school. There were over 37,000 applicants for the class of 2022. Of these, just 26,000 were offered a place in the incoming class. It may be tempting to take the acceptance rate at Texas A&M lightly, but this would be a mistake. Though the acceptance rate in 2018 was 70%, it’s important to remember that there were still 11,000 applicants who did not get in. US News and World Reports still considers Texas A&M a moderately selective school, and if you want to score a place there, you’ll need to make sure you meet all its admissions requirements. Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. Texas A&M requires all applicants to submit either the SAT with Essay or the ACT with Essay. Test scores are listed as a very important factor in admissions. The 75% of admitted students who submitted SAT scores received a composite score at or above 1140, while 75% of admitted students who submitted ACT scores received a composite score at or above 25. SAT Subject Tests are not required for admissions to Texas A&M, but can be used as placement exams. SAT and ACT writing sections are only considered as a method for validating college application essays. In addition to test scores, Texas A&M ranks the following factors as very important in their admissions process: 60% of students accepted to Texas A&M’s class of 2022 were ranked in the top 10% of their high school classes. 88% were ranked in the top 25%. Applicants to Texas A&M should take the most challenging course load that they’re capable of doing well in during high school and should aim to participate in 2-4 extracurriculars with increasing levels of commitment and leadership throughout your high school career. Texas A&M also evaluates applicants based on their volunteer work, work experience, status as a first generation college student, state residency, and application essay . While some of these factors are out of your control, you certainly can work to build a strong applicant profile in other ways.   Try to stick with your work or service work for a prolonged time. If possible, choose work or volunteer opportunities that are related to issues of personal importance or to possible career goals. Texas A&M likes to see students who are committed and grow in leadership within their communities. Of the admissions criteria ranked very important by the admissions committee, three are linked to your academic achievements. By taking challenging classes, achieving a high GPA, and attaining a solid ranking in your graduating class, you can prove to Texas A&M that you’re ready for the rigor of college academics. Your essay should be free of all grammatical, organizational, and other errors, and do a good job of representing who you are as a student, as a person, and as a member of your community. Texas A&M carefully reviews every admissions essay and weighs each in the application process. If you need help with your essay at any point, from choosing a topic to fine-tuning its organization or polishing it grammatically, don’t hesitate to contact ’s Personal Essay Specialists , who can help at any point along the way. Not everyone can get into Texas A&M. Though it can be hard to pinpoint any single reason for your rejection, ultimately it doesn’t matter exactly why you were rejected so much as what you do with your future from here. While many students might want to appeal their admissions decision or choose a second-rate college from which they can quickly apply to transfer to Texas A&M, neither of these options is your best bet. Instead, you are better off choosing a second choice school that is still a college you’d be happy to attend, with academic resources that would enrich your experience. Attending another school where you can succeed is always a great choice, and if, further down the line, you choose to transfer elsewhere, at least you have made good use of your time there. Texas A&M does accept transfer students, and their rate of acceptance is very similar to the regular admissions acceptance rate, as is the application process. You can learn more about the transfer application process on Texas A&M’s page Transfer: How to Apply .   Ã‚   For more help applying to Texas A&M or other schools on your college list, consider enlisting the help of ’s Applications Guidance service. Here, you will be paired with a personal admissions specialist from a top a college who can provide step-by-step guidance through the entire application process.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Distinct Varieties of Masculinity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Distinct Varieties of Masculinity - Essay Example The feminists believe that the discrimination curtails women rights and seek to see the situation changed. (Piper 2009) Masculinity refers to masculine which denote something related to a male who include men and boys. (Piper 2011) defines masculinity as an expression to serve and not to be served expressing a sacrifice for the woman, which requires giving direction and having a final say. While looking at the distinct values of masculinity arises from the comparison of feminist and masculinity where feminist seek for equality between men and women, but some things constitute for womanhood and others manhood. The essay below discusses the comparison of the two in regard to distinct variety of masculinity. Distinct varieties of masculinity To begin with thoughts and experiences of men, they help in understanding gender in terms of the masculine variables, as opposed to feminist. (Rotundo, p. 106) argues that women beauty lured men from their known pleasure and secure culture to follow ing women. Therefore, opining that gender gets socially construed with masculine thoughts and behaviors arising from social and cultural processes. The scholar opines that the new complex culture, give rise to the conception of self made manhood. (Rotundo, p. 80 ) Explains the boy’s culture, which prepared boys, for rough and competitive world of politics and business, also the youth culture characterized by debating clubs, where they learned new skills and how to compete in socially acceptable ways. Similarly, (Rotundo, p 86) expresses the idea of masculinity by demonstrating thinking and experiences during both boys and youth culture. Both cultures have great emotional depth involving wrestling, fisticuffs’ and rehearsals for marriage by teenage boys in preparation for adult responsibilities. The thoughts of young men inclined to taming girls while driven by desires for sex and home cooked food because they regarded women to be different from men. More so, the develo pment of culture had many think that masculinity manifested in the success of men in both business and politics. Argument and opinion Rotundo’s argument that masculinity can be traced from the thoughts and experiences of as construed in the cultural and social development has a lot of merits and some controversies. The following reasons support Rotundo’s argument: that culture develops and so the thinking and experience of a person changes as the social and cultural responsibility change; people do grow and so changes occur, so masculinity can be examined at different stages of one’s life as Rotundo considers the issue in different cultural stages; argument that a society undergoes economic and social changes (Rotundo, p. 22) requires that man change masculinity to adopt with the new roles. Therefore, this concept of distinct of masculinity is worthy agreeable with since the feminine assume its feminist like ways. Secondly, transforming masculinity can be